Bleacher Bum Band Performing Cubs Rock in South Bend July 8

Come hang out with us before, during, and after the South Bend Cubs game on Saturday, July 8th, as Bleacher Bum Band will be singing the National Anthem and hanging out during the game with the Ranter crew, including King of Cubs Insider, Evan Altman. Then join us postgame at McCormicks for a Bleacher Bum Band concert guaranteed to rock your Cubs fan socks off, as we play songs off our new album, “Out of Left Field“.

Step 1. Buy your tickets to the South Bend Cubs game in our special group section. There is limited ticket availability for this game because it’s also Star Wars night! Click here to join our group!

Step 2. Join Bleacher Bum Band’s Facebook Event

The FREE postgame concert will start approximately 1/2 hour after the game’s end. 10:30?

McCormicks Coney Island 125 N. Michigan St. South Bend IN

Come Out For Some Cubs Rock!