Watch: World Series Trophy Shines Brilliantly in Arizona Sun as Mesa Honors Cubs

The Chicago Cubs were honored Friday by the city of Mesa for being awesome. No, seriously, they really were. By “being awesome,” I am of course referring to winning the World Series.

It’s kind of sad to think that this was very likely the final World Series celebration. Well, until they raise the championship banner at the home opener. And then when they hand out rings the following game. Still, this is the last big celebration for the next six weeks. Man, think about that for a minute. I’m proud to say I’ve been to most of them and I really got choked up while watching everything today. It’s been an amazing ride.

Below are a couple videos of the Cubs taking the stage during the rally, the first of which features Kyle Schwarber carrying the trophy and saying a few words. The second video is my favorite. It’s the Commissioner’s Trophy gleaming in the Arizona sunshine as Go Cubs Go and We Are the Champions play in the background. You may need to watch that one a lot, I know I have.