No Goats, All Glory: Cubs Fan Predicts Future with 2016 World Series Champs Tattoo

It’s become a seasonal rite to share images of fans getting tattooed in a preemptive celebration of their favorite team winning their sport’s ultimate prize. I’m generally pretty dismissive of this stuff, which I find to be a special kind of silly, but it always seems to be a Kentucky fan or some such.

Now, thanks to radio station KXnO out of Des Moines, the latest social media darling is a Cubs fan. In conjunction with Lucky Gal Tattoo and Piercing, the station held a contest to find someone crazy enough to get a 2016 World Series champs tattoo prior to the start of the playoffs. This dude named Noel was selected as a finalist and put together what ended up being the winning design, which was then tatted on his calf.

I’m a huge fan of tattoos and have nine of my own (some of which may be Cubs-related), so I’m not necessarily telling anyone to get off my lawn. I just think it’s kind of a dumb idea to indelibly ink a championship guarantee into your skin. Beyond that, I take issue with the goat inside the C logo and the inclusion of “2016” in the negative space inside a patch of what looks like either shingles or plaque psoriasis. Really, the general idea of a curse being referenced unironically rubs me the wrong way.

At the same time, I gotta admire this guy’s chutzpah. Good for you, hoss, now let’s just hope you don’t need to go back and get it altered in November.